Friday, July 9, 2010

A Mommy (and Daddy and Grandma and ...) Made Room

My youngest's room is one of my favorites in the house. When I had my oldest child 9 years ago I picked a Beatrix Potter theme for the room before we knew if we were having a boy or girl or more importantly what his/her little personality would be like. Beatrix Potter did not fit his I changed his room within the first year of his life. With my youngest I decided to take a different approach. I picked some alphabet fabric I liked and let my oldest help in the decorating. Most importantly we continued creating the room as we got to know our newest addition. It worked! The room fits my little guy.

The photo above are the pictures my oldest created to decorated his new siblings room. We still love them!

Here is the little's bed - the quilt on the wall was made by my mom and the quilt on the bed was made by me (the same one I featured in an earlier post). The bed was made by my husband and all the pillows were made by me. It is a cozy little nest for our youngest little guy.

The pillows and octopus above were made by me. The apple tree was a drawing my oldest made and I turned it into a pillow for him to give his brother for his 1st birthday.

My little loves birds and these mommy made mobiles (barn owl and blue heron) are in his room.

This is Elliott wearing a mommy made sweater.

Above is Brownie the Gnome - another mommy made as are the pillows.

The dresser was an auction find for $2 and my mom found the knobs in a stash from my olders old room. One of the pics on the dresser was made by my sister-in-laws mother. A number of her pieces grace our home. The Snow White was a Christmas gift from his grandparents - he loves the Dwarfs (my oldest called them Ho Hos :)).
Missing is a pic of his other dresser that was a hand me down from my parents - it housed all our winter hats and mittens when I was a kid and it is full of snowy memories. Above that dresser is another pic from my sister-in-laws mother as well as a bug cast that my husband made in kindergarden.
I love that his room is so full of homemade and love. It fits him to a T!

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